Title: Primrose Blossoms Pairing(s): jongin/d.o. Rating: r Length: 11,595 Warning(s): [Please click to open.]mentions of depression and suicide, angst/fluff Summary: jongin thought he’d never see the love of his life again, but little did he know Fate had a little more in store for him.
Author's Note: first of all, thank you so much to the people that helped and
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Title: If You Wait Pairing(s): Kim Jongin/Park Chanyeol Rating: pg13 Length: 5.5k Warning(s): [Please click to open.]mentions of passed abuse and coping with said abuse. also, jongin is underage (17) but nothing dubious or sexual happens. Summary: "Jongin is a shy, reclusive seventeen-year-old omega who lives day to day, surviving the best he can his father's abuse. A
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Title: Look At My Heart, It’s Burning Like This Pairing(s): xiukai, side!chansoo Rating: nc-17 Length: 8.7k Warning(s): [Please click to open.]drunken antics, very intense romantic pining Summary: And Jongin hates how words are hard to come by always, but especially whenever Minseok is concerned. Author's Note: set in america so the drinking age is 21, also the exo's
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Title: Red Light Blue Light Pairing(s): Sehun and Jongin, side! Chanyeol and Baekhyun Rating: PG Length:6.5k Warning(s): [Please click to open.]slight!homophobia, cursing. Summary: But this is different. Sehun is different. Author's Note: this is my first fic on here! i apologize if it's terrible. the other story will come out soon. otherwise, this can(?) stand alone
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Title: Event Horizon Pairing(s): Jongin/D.O Rating: PG-13 Length: ~17 600 Summary: Kyungsoo is a space enthusiast and Jongin meets him and falls in love with the galaxies in his eyes. Author's Note: The space facts I used are from space-facts.com and I had so much fun embedding them into the story. Also, it’s one of my first times taking part in a
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Title: With Intent Pairing(s): Kai/Lay, Kai/D.O., Lay/D.O., Kai/Lay/D.O. Rating: PG-15 Length: 2900 Warning(s): [Please click to open.]Slight language, mentions of infidelity Summary: Jongin wants what isn’t his to have, and Kyungsoo makes them all happier by trying not to give it to him.
Author's Note: I love writing romantic OT3s, so obvi I had to claim your lovely
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Title: this too, shall pass Pairing(s): Kai/Sehun Rating: PG-13 (for language) Length: 3k Warning(s): [Please click here to open.]Poop talk (it's not as bad as it sounds.) Summary: Sehun never would’ve imagined proposing to his boyfriend would be so… messy.
Author's Note: This is probably one of the most crackest fics I've ever written -- please don't take this AU too
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Title: come back baby please (cause we belong together) Pairing(s): Jongin / Kyungsoo Rating: PG-13 Length: 8400 Warning(s): [Please click to open.]homophobia, some bullying, boys being perverts, peeking toms Summary: In which Jongin is a jerk and a half, while Kyungsoo is just caught in the middle.
Author's Note: Orz Sorry about this fic. I know you wanted a long fic
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Title: Until next time, take care Pairing(s): Jongin/ Sehun Rating: PG-13 Length: 4.8k Warning(s): [Please click to open.]Self-harm Summary: Jongin is calling Sehun late at night because his dad is drinking again and it just makes him frustrated because he can't do anything and just want to hear Sehun's voice.